
康区囊谦县举行第十五届前译宁玛世界和平祈愿法会,主寺如实迎请了尊贵的敦珠法王前往法会之地。为佛光普照、各教高僧大德法体安康、事业广大,一切众生如是取舍因果。以此功德、愿此地为主的人们国泰民安,能获得幸福安康,离苦得乐,特别是末法时出现的各种自然灾难能得以平静 、广大回向与发愿,殊胜之日初十,善缘之降敦珠黑忿怒空行母大灌顶等善愿传法吉祥图。

His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche was especially invited to the Nangchen district of Kham, eastern Tibet, by the monastic organization for the fifteenth Early Translation Nyingma School great prayer ceremony for world peace.  His Holiness joined in the prayers for the spread, increase and longevity of the teachings of Lord Buddha, the source of all goodness and wellbeing in all places across the world; for the longevity of all the sublime beings who hold these teachings in all traditions without partiality; and for all beings to be able to discern, according to the infallible law of cause and result, what to do and what not to do. By these prayers may all harm caused by illness, famine, weapons, and upheavals with the four elements be pacified in this place and all over the world.  May even mere name of the terrifying tool of the atomic bomb, developed by barbarians of our age, be totally banished right on the spot. Finally here are some pictures of this great and profound prayer gathering and excellent dedication as well as of His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche raining down the fortunate ripening and liberating Dharma transmission for the Great Wrathful Mother, Troma Nagmo.

2018年9月23日 14:10